You come up with an idea to support your community, then what?
How does that idea convert to be actualized?
What does your support network look like?
In what ways can you grow to better facilitate the development of your project, and better support the community around you?
At every stage of business: creation, strategy, marketing, populating roles for ‘right fit’, and results - we have 4 resources to support you and your business…
Opportunity to develop a platform to fundraise through the 501(c)(3) for your own project
Support in Grant Writing and Fundraising for your project
The purpose of OD is to study and install methods and practices, systems and techniques that affect change in the organization, no matter the size of the organization.
This overview of the whole system proactively reduces issues while enhancing objectives. It can influence work behavior and motivation. This in turn, effects results.
“People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their boss.” First-time managers tend to drive tasks. Experience eventually shows them how they must engage others beyond the task level. This realization is the beginning of leadership.
Skilled leaders drive alignment, communication and relationships across the organization. Their presence develops and keeps employees. Their way of leading becomes the way everyone operates in the organization.
Coaching is a Swiss Army knife. It can get people out of ineffective habits and mindsets, re-orient them to what is possible and then get them there. It’s true for executives, mid-level and entry level managers. It’s especially useful at the start of a business when there is no one else to ‘do it all.’
True coaching is from the inside-out. Who we are will determine what we do and that determines our results. It supports leadership and the organization. It has the ability to launch business and people to levels they once thought not possible.
Each person in our collective brings their particular wealth of experience at the timing needed... focused, incremental collaborative support - we walk with you.
Our initial application process identifies where you will need support in 3 areas; organizational development, leadership development, and coaching at all appropriate levels. We use the application to focus our resources into specific incremental actions in OD, LD and EC. This creates an early strategy for clarity, effective behaviour and observable results. Who do you need to become so this venture will be successful?
Some areas of the business are fairly static, but most areas are not. Once an essential foundation is established (framework, legalities, system and process), learn the traits that fit each phase so you and your employees are prepared and focused on moving the needle forward till the next phase asks a different set of skills.
Put customers and staff together constructively. How you set up yourself and staff to work together towards the common goal will move the business and reduce the amount of distractions and headaches. Once you broadcast ‘open for business,’ have everyone feel ready. We help so you and your staff are aligned.
You have traction and momentum! Now the challenges kick in. What to keep doing? What to change? What to add? This becomes a ‘growth mindset’ experience. This is where business is not static, but dynamic. When everyone is on board for ‘dynamic,’ learning and results accelerate. Relationships and communication function well together. This determines the type of leaders you develop as well as how they manage others.
OD, LD and EC are your ‘secret sauce.’ Each new phase of your business requires adjustment, a change in mindset, a way of being that helps carry you and the staff to the ‘next’ point. Bureaucracy creates false stability. Growing everyone to the next ‘level’ is engaging as well as the business having ‘bench strength’ for future shifts and succession planning.
- What does each phase of business need to succeed? System, process, key roles.
- How to prepare for the next phase (due to growth, new people, changing conditions)
- How to set up cross-functional relationships so they collaborate (versus silo).
- How to set up strong communication patterns.
- How to build alignment throughout the organization early on.
- Effective basics: facilitating meetings, meeting structure, handling conflict.
- Effective basics: having difficult conversations, creating commitments and accountability
- How to break down tasks incrementally so adults learn better and faster
- How to create paths of development for later promotion or succession planning
- Using leadership assessment tools to determine your current skills and blind spots
- Developing leadership abilities within your current situation and role
- Having a common set of leadership qualities and expectations in the organization
- How to use leadership to develop results in employees
- How to select and lead teams
- Leveraging formal and informal leaders
- Leaders bring the ‘weather’ - what does that actually look like? How does it work?
- Expectations of leaders as managers, directors, and executives
- Typical fail points of default leadership and the impact it has on the organization
- Use coaching to remove self-perceived limitations, beliefs and hurdles for development.
- Create goals and achieve them using successful repeating patterns.
- Using mindsets to reframe challenges so behavior and skills make a difference.
- Learn how to handle difficult people. What if its you?
- Develop the ability to speak up and assume presence in meetings or with those in positions of power.
- How to hold the line when dealing with employees or those above you.
- How to mature your skills for higher roles in the organization.
- Aligning self purpose with organizational direction
- Learn to work better under stress